Miss Scott - Year 3/4/5 2023 - 2024

Miss Scott

Mx Blake

Welcome to Year 3/4/5/Nurture Class

Meet the team

TA - Apprentice - Y12 - Poppy Smith.jpg Photo for web.jpeg  

Miss Smith

Classroom Assistant

Miss Scott

Classroom Teacher

Miss Hartley

Classroom Assistant

Welcome to our nurture class page. On this page you will find important information and what we have been up to in class.


  • grey/navy/black trousers or skirt
  • navy jumper
  • pale blue polo top



  • navy/black shorts
  • pale blue/ white t-shirt

Our P.E. day is a Wednesday. Children are to attend school wearing their P.E. kit. This term, our P.E. topic is swimming and we go swimming every Thursday morning.



Maths homework is given every Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday.

Reading books are changed every Friday. We ask that all children read three times and this is recorded in the reading records.

Spellings are posted on class dojo every Friday, with a spelling test the following Friday. 



In our nurture class, we  teach 3 curriculums. The children are grouped and taught the curriculum that suits their needs and ability. We teach the Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 curriculum.

Year 1 Maths - This half term, we have focused on mass and direction. In mass, we have weighed different objects and compared them to other objects, using the terminology 'lighter' and 'heavier'. When we have looked at direction, the children have put objects in different positions and described the position.

Year 2 Maths - This half term, we have focused on money and 2D shape. In money, we have identified different coins, counted amounts and worked out change. When looking at 2D shapes, we have identified different 2D shapes. The children have been able to describe shapes using the terminology 'sides'. 'vertices' and 'lines of symmetry'. 

Year 3 Maths - This half term, we have focued on fractions. The children have compared fractions, added and subtracted fractions. At the end of the topic, the children are super excited to get a cake and cut the cake into equal parts. 



In our nurture class, we have 3 different groups being taught. The children are grouped and taught the curriculum that suits their ability. We teach RWI set 1 sounds, RWI set 2 sounds and a Year 2 curriculum reading lesson that follows our school reading sequence. 



In our nurture class we have 2 different groups being taught. The childre are grouped and taught the curriculum that suits their ability. We have a colourful semantics group and a Year 2 curriculum writing lesson that is taught. 

Colourful Semantics- In colourful semantics, the children know different word classes are different colours. This is to help children to structure a sentence. The children began by writing in different colours, working alongside an adult but now we are now writing in writing pencil and forming our sentences that make sense independently!

Writing lesson - In our writing lessons, we use a scheme called Talk 4 Writing (T4W). T4W is when children change a story into images and then edit. The children really enjoy T4W as we act out our class story, the children then edit the class story individually, and then write their own story using their individualised T4W map. We have looked at 'Aesop's fables' and 'The owl and the pussycat' poem. We have written our own version of 'The hare and the tortoise' and our own version of 'The owl and the pussycat'. 



This half term, our topic has been plants. We have managed to get outside, on the playground, in the lovely sunshine to draw and label different parts of a plant. We have looked at what each part of the plant does and how the water is transported through the plant. We have looked at the life-cycle of a plant.