Mrs Arnell - Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mx Blake

Mrs Arnell

Welcome to year 1

Class teacher                           Teaching assistant (HLTA)

Mrs Arnell                                            Mrs Foster


What a year we have had and we cannot believe that we are now into our Sumer Term!

This year we have been very busy learning about lots of different topics from our local area in Geography to fantastic firsts in history.

We have enjoyed an amazing vist from Animal Encounters to meet some animals which linked to our science topic of animal classifications. We have also enjoyed different PE classes from hoola hooping to boxing. We have had so much fun and we cannot wait to see what we will be learning about in the Summer Term. 

Summer Term

Geography - Why is my world wonderful? 

During this topic children will be learning all about continents and how they are divided up into countries. We will also learn about Africa and discuss similarities and differences between Africa and Europe. We will locate landmarks on a map and even create our own messy maps.

RE - How do Buddhists show their beliefs?

During this topic we are learning all about the Buddhist faith, how buddhists worship and the importance of meditation. 

Science - Animals and their habitats

In science this term we will be learning about animals and their habitats. We will be able to name and discuss characteristics of different habitats and how animals have adapted to survive in their habitats. We will create our own habitat (bug hotel) in forest school and we will create our own animals, giving them characteristics that they will need to survive in their habitat.