Mrs Coates - Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Coates

Mx Blake


Teacher - KS1Lead - Y6 - Helen Coates.JPG TA - Y6 - Staff Mental Health Champion -  Karen Yuill.JPG
Mrs Coates - Class teacher

Mrs Yuill - Learning Support Assistant



How time flies when you are having fun! I can't believe we are in Summer Term already!!

We have lots of new things happening this half term.

Our PE Days are


INDOOR- Wednesday

On Tuesday afternoons the children will be following a programme called "How to eat elephants". It is a mental health programme designed to help the children deal with their thoughts and emotions when the become overwelmed and give them strategies to cope. It is also designed to support problem solving. The programme is being delivered by a mental health nurse.

Our history topic this half term is about What happened after the Romans left? We take a look at the next set of invaders: The ANGLO-SAXONS.

Linked to this in RE we look at the lives of some of the Anglo-Saxon saints who lived in the area around this time, including St Cuthbert. 

Interwoven with these two topics, we are very excited to be taking the children to the historic and cultural landmark of Durham Cathedral. Our class will visit there on May 1st. 

Spring Term

After our Christmas break we were very excited to learn that we were going swimming in P.E. We go every Thursday morning and we are loving it! 

English- this term we have been reading How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. The book has led us to write a non-chronological report about a dragon that we imagined and designed ourselves! 

Maths- we love learning our timestables and using TIMES TABLE ROCK STARS to practise at home. In school we have learned some formal methods of multiplication and division. We have also been learning about mass and reading scales.

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Science - we have been learning about rocks, soils and how fossils are formed. As part of Science week we carried out lots of investigations into forces and finding out what materials are magnetic.

Topic- Our history topic was How the Romans lived in Britain and their legacy. We have loved learning about how people lived here 2000 years ago! We also had a visitor, who came and cooked Roman food for us. We got to make some bread and tasted a typical Roman soup. 

After half term we had a visit from the author Adam Bushnell. Adam brought with him artefacts from the Roman arenas and weapons that the gladiators would have used! He told us about a real gladiator called Flamia and we designed our own fighter for the amphitheatre and wrote about them.

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World Book day was awesome! We read DO NUT FEED THE SQUIRRELS, which we thought was really funny! It was a graphic novel and we learned about comic strips and even wrote our own! 

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Topic- in geography we have been learning about Europe and key phyiscal features on our continent.

Art/DT-  As part of our art work we designed and created a sock puppet! It was great fun, although a little messy!!

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