The safeguarding, welfare and well-being of the children in our care at Dene House is our absolute priority without exception. We take the safeguarding and protection of our pupils very seriously and expect all parents, staff, visitors, governors and colleagues to share this view. Our school has a clear Child Protection Policy and procedures in place.
At times, we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s safety. If a member of staff is concerned about a child’s safety, they will record their concern and report this to one of the DSLs immediately.
If a member of staff has concerns which relate to the actions or behaviour of another member of staff (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children), then this will be reported to one of the DSLs in confidence, who will refer the matter to the Headteacher (or the Chair of Governors/Trust CEO if the concern relates to the Headteacher), who will consider what action to take.
If you are worried about a child please speak to a member of staff or ring First Contact on 03000 267 979.
More information about Safeguarding Children and Young People in County Durham can be found via the Durham Safeguarding Children Partnership website.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are:
- Governor Lead: Mrs J Craggs
- Nominated Lead Member of Staff: Mr Lee Blake
- Nominated Deputy Lead Member of Staff: Mrs L Watson
- Additional DSL Trained Staff: Mr I Leyland; Mrs H Coates; Mrs M Campbell
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Our safeguarding policies cover all areas of school life and include:
staff & visitors- ensuring they are vetted, informed & trained;
children’s behaviour- promoting safer & happier behaviours & lifestyles;
parents & carers- promoting links & supporting families;
premises -keeping them safe, pleasant & fit for purpose;
curriculum -providing positive, life affirming learning experiences;
outside School- ensuring safer activities and environments outside school
You can view our Safeguarding Policy and related policies by clicking on the respective files.