SEND Transition

Children may need additional support before they leave Dene House Primary. We work closely with partner schools to ensure as smooth a transition as possible to KS3. When children are preparing to leave us for a new school, typically to go to secondary education, we can arrange additional visits with the support of the new feeder school. Key information is shared between our staff and secondary school staff which enable them to settle in their new school as quickly as possible.

We liaise closely with staff when receiving and transferring children to different schools ensuring all relevant paperwork is passed on and all needs are discussed and understood.

At Dene House Primary, we have developed a comprehensive, induction process to enable all children to have a smooth and effective transition into our school. We work closely with parents/carers to ensure we can accommodate any additional needs of SEND pupils.

Meetings can be arranged at parent’s request with our school SENDCO, Miss McSkelly

Our School and Family Liaison and Pupil Welfare Officer, Mrs Campbell, is available to provide additional support when required.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.