Mrs Sloanes - Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mx Blake

Mrs Sloanes


Teacher - Y1- Brittany Tilson.jpg HLTA - EYFS - Julie Wylde.JPG TA - Y4 - Christine Wright.JPG

Mrs Sloanes   

Class Teacher               

  Mrs Wylde


  Mrs Sillito


Autumn Term

What a way to start Year Two! The children returned to school with a spring in their step and an enthusiasm to learn and grow. It has been a delight watching new friendships blossom and confidence sore as they tackled the new challenges year 2 has to offer. 

We started the year with Judith Kerr's 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. The children produced some wonderful descriptive writing pieces and developed the skill of inference when reading books they are familiar with. We have lots of fantastic responses when asked 'would you allow a tiger to come to tea?'

We progressed our learning onto a chapter book that the children had not experienced before. Jill Tomlinsons 'Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark' was a mighty success despite having limited pictures to support their understanding. The chidlren were imcredibly creative in their use of imaginations to envisage setting and character descriptions and applied their inference and retrieval knowledge well to support their understanding of what has been read. Take a look at some of our marvellous character descriptionds and creative pieces. 

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Encorporating our history knowledge we developed a good understanding of the past and the events that took place whilst commemorating memorial day in November. We read the book 'Where The Poppies Now Grow' and placed ourselves in the shoes of the soldiers and what their experiences were like. We worked hard at using adjectives and different sentence types to describe the battleground for the soldiers in the story. Heres a marvellous example of how our writing has progressed in such a short time. Its like youre really in the battleground with soldiers Ben and Ray! 


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To celebrate national poetry week we entered a 'This is Me' poetry writing competition. We worked hard to think of adjectives to describe ourselves including what we look like, our likes, dislikes, hobbies and interests. 
We wrote our poems as an acrostic poem and submitted them to the competition. We were so excited to discover we were WINNERS! We had a book published containing copies of our poems that we can treasure forever. We have examples of our published book in school to read and remember our amazing achievement.

Spring Term

Following such a busy Autum Term and an exciting Christmas break we returned to school eager and ready to progress our learning. 

Our topic this term was Paddington by Michael Bond. 

To fully explore and understand the adventures of Paddington we completed some non-fiction research and writing about his home country, 'Darkest Peru, South America' and compared this to his new home, 'London, England'. 

We learned Paddingtons favourite food was a marmelade sandwich. We used this as an opportunity to explore and practicde instruction writing. We deconstructed a variety of sanwiches and eventually settled on our favourite ingrediants to make and taste our own. We used adverbs, time connectives and commas to write a series of instructions whcih accurately described how to make our favourite sandwich.

We finished our Paddington learning by using it as a stimulus to write our very own story. We used Michael Bonds creative writing styles and ideas to think of a new character and a new adventure. 

World Book Day 2024


What a wonderful day we have had celebrating World Book Day. 

We read the book 'I Love You More' by Clare Welsh and looked at some of the amazing illustrations of habitats across the world. We marvelled in the breathtaking vocabulary used to compare just how much we love our important people and used this as a stimulus to design our own illustrations depicting just how much we love our special people. 

We chose a habitat that we could describe the best and let our imagination take over! We used watercolours to present a variety of shades and strokes in our masterpiece and used light shading with a pencil to draw our very best animals in their habitat. 

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We also spent some time sharing our favourite books with our wonderful fiends. It was such an exciting day having time to simply talk about and enjoy books and reading! 


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