Autumn Term

What a busy Autumn Term we had!


During this half term we went on many literary adventures. We had a Tiger who Came to Tea and met an Owl who was Afraid of the Dark! As part of Remembrance Day we remembered the soldiers who fought for our rights in the poem 'Where the Poppies Now Grow'. 


Our writing journey began with some wonderful retellings of The Tiger who Came to Tea inspired by Judith Kerr. As we moved through our Autumn Term we developed our writing skills linked to description and specification. The children produced some wonderfully detailed descriptions of nocturnal animals inspired by The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson and we also got to develop our non-fiction writing skills with our detailed fact files about Barn Owls.


Our fluency skills are developing and this is enhanced by our daily fluency sessions. We broaden our vocabulary by picking out words we've never heard from different extracts and then add actions to commit them to memory. Our inference skills were put to go use when discussing what the battleground was like for Ben and Ray in 'Where the Poppies Now Grow'.

We participated in National Poetery Week and produced acrostic poems based on the theme 'This is Me'. We are proud to announce that we are now published authors and copies of the 'works' of Year 2D can be found in our reading corners!

Curriculum Snapshot .... Geography and PSHE!

In Geography we used an atlas and mapping skills to locate the 7 continents of the world - did you know that we live in Europe? We learned all about The UK and used cross curricular reading and writing skills to research and write facts about Scotland. Have you ever seen the Loch Ness monster? ... You have now! 

PSHE provide us with an opportuntiy to explore our digital wellbeing. The children could discuss how to stay safe while using the internet and what to do if they felt uncomfortable. In Philosophy for Children discussion we discussed the importance of being respectful and using kind words and kind actions as well as the implications of unkind actions on the wellbeing of others.