Autumn 1

Welcome to Autumn Timetable.jpgWhat will we be getting up to in the core subjects in Autumn 1?

Above is our Timetable for Autumn 1. Every day starts with early morning reading where children will have the chance to read with an adult. Next we have Reading. This term we will be reading 'The Barnabus Project' and 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. These books will link into our Writing which we will be writing Character descriptions, creating our own chocolate bar and writing an advert. Our Writing purpose is 'Writing to Persuade'. In Maths, both Year 3 and Year 4 will be exploring place value using our new Maths scheme 'Maths No Problem' which encourages indepdent learning and relies on concrete resources to deepen children's understanding.


Barnabus cover.jpgCharlie and choc.jpg











What will we be getting up to on an Afternoon?

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In History/Geography , we will be learning all about the 3 big cities in our local area; Sunderland, Newcastle and Durham. We will be discussing their significance and what makes them special. Focusing on our local History will help to give children a better geograhical understanding of the area they live in and learning about the rich history that comes along with it. In Science, we will be exploring Sound. We will be doing this through experiments, enquiry based activities and learning the key concepts as a class. In RE, we will be exploring Hinduisim.

sunderland.jpgncl.jpgdurham.jpgPlease keep your eyes peeled for any photos of the amazing things we get up to during our lessons! These will be uploaded to our class page monthly! I am so excited to share these with you!