Autumn 1

Welcome to the Autumn Term in Y2D!

Our Curriculum

We can't wait to share our amazing learning journey with you. Our children have access to a vibrant and fun curriculum where learning comes to life. From marvellous Maths to wonderful worlds of writing, from exploring the world in Geography to time travelling in History, be it becoming coding experts in Computing to acquiring investigative skills as scientists - our children will experience it all! Art, DT and Music allow children to explore their creativity while RE and PSHE will allow them to build positive relationships and respect and tolerance for others.


Our PE day is Tuesday. 

Please send your children into school wearing their PE kit on our PE day. School PE kit includes black/navy shorts or jogging bottoms with a blue or white polo shirt and trainers. For health and safety reasons jewellery should not be worn for PE activities.


Children will be given a home reading book on a weekly basis to enable them to practice their fluency amd comprehension skills. They will also be provided with a Dream Read for you to enjoy reading together! Spellings will be given weekly so the children can practice words taught in school at home using a variety of fun techniques. We encourage pupils to access weekly rounds of Maths homework using TimesTable Rockstars and Numbots to keep skills sharp.


This half term children will learn all about materials. Children will learn the names of different materials and be able to describe their properties. Children will carry out tests and investigations to discover which materials are best for a variety of different purposes.


This half term in Geography we will be learning all about Peterlee and our local area. Children will look at different buildings and places in Peterlee, including important buildings and their favourite places. Children will also learn about different jobs that people do in Peterlee. 


This half term in RE children will learn about Christianity and the church. Children will learn about the features of the church building and the features inside the church such as the cross, pews, altar and windows. We will also learn about and discuss the events that take place in a church, such as weddings, christenings, singing hymns and praying.


Children will learn all about being part of a team, showing kindness and being a good listener and friend.