Spring 1
What will be getting up to in Spring term in Year 3/4?
I am so excited for Spring term as the lighter nights and the warmer days are not too far again. More excitingly, we have lots of amazing learning planned for the term and I can't wait to share more of what we get up to over on ClassDojo! To see our weekly timetable, click the 'Autumn' tab. This will also show an overview of what we will be learning throughout the whole year. Autumn term has absolutely flown and I have loved getting to know our new class. It has been fab!
Homework will stay the same this term as it did in Autumn. Children are expected to read 3x a week and access TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. Our spellings will also be updated weekly on ClassDojo. Our PE day remains a Friday in which children should come into school in full PE kit.
What will the core subjects be looking like in Spring 1?
Our main book for this half term is 'Boy at the back of the class' written by Onjali. Q. Rauf. This book will be the basis of our reading lessons and will then become our class reader at the end of the day. It is a lovely book that touches upon themes of friendship, loneliness and seeking refuge. We will be using our reading skills to dive into the book and discuss the themes and how it makes us feel.
In Writing, this half term our focus is 'Writing to Inform' our first topic will be writing a Non-Chronological report all about Nigeria, which links to our topic in Geography too. These cross - curricular links will be great at giving the children a good prior understanding before we start our topic. We will be using non - fiction skills such as headings, subheadings and writing in a formal tone. I can't wait to see what the children produce in this first half term. We will also be writing some instructions for our second peice of informative writing that links to our History topic too!
In Maths, both Year 3 and Year 4 wil be exploring further multiplication and division in this half term. We will be exploring different methods and using our time table knowledge to support us with this. After this, Year 3 will be moving onto exploring length and how to measure length using the correct units. Year 4 will be exploring Graphs and understanding how to read these accurately. Both Year 3 and Year 4 will be having a huge push on Times Table practice ready for the Year 4's Multiplication Check in the Summer.
What about on an Afternoon?
In Science, we are exploring all about Animals including Humans and the Human body. We will be exploring skeletons and how they move and discussing what our body might look like without one. We will be working scientifically both independently and in groups to plan and conduct experiments to explore different questions. We will use the different scientific enquiry types in our lessons and will seek patterns. I am so excited to see how our little scientists develop! The children have loved Science this last term. so I can't wait to see this passion develop.
This half term, we will be focussing on Georgraphy. Our Geography topic is Nigeria and the children are already eager to learn more about this amazing country. We will be learning about it's population, it's landmarks and also comparing it to the UK. We will be exploring it's geographical location and expanding on our skills by using compass' and being able to locate the countries that surround it. We will be able to use georgraphical language to explain where Nigeria is in relation to other countries. Sadly, we will not be having a trip to Nigeria but hopefully their will be plenty of chances to bring a small part of Nigeria to Dene House Primary School so that we can really experience their culture!