Spring Term

Following on from our successful nativity and busy Christmas period we returned to school ready and raring to go!


Our literary jourmey continued with our new class novel Paddington by Michael Bond.

Spring Term allowed us to further develop our knowledge and understanding of sentence types and punctuation. Our enquiring minds enabled us to formulate questions about Paddington's home country of Peru. Did you know that Paddington was a massive fan of marmalade sandwiches?


We produced some lovely non-fiction writing that included fun facts about the culture and geography of Peru! The children wrote different sentence types including statements, questions and exclamations to highlight all of the amazing facts. Our instructional writing was inspired by Paddington's own love of a marmalade sandwich. We had great fun deconstructing sandwiches, developing our vocabulary and then designing our favourite. We used adverbs, time conjunctions and imperative verbs to great effect to create a set of instructions for how to make our favourite sandwich. 


We used our retreival skills to research and record facts about Peru which we used to inform some of our non-fiction writng for this term. We also read about Paddington's experiences in London and picked out words and phrases the author used to bring the station to life! Our empathy skills were put to good use in plotting feelings graphs for Paddington's arrival in London! 

We absolutely loved working interdependently to create some perfomance poetry based on Mr Wolf's Pancakes. We added actions to the words of the poem, performed it for our peers and evaluated our implementation of oracy skills. Speaking of oracy ... how can we not mention 'The Great Jam Sandwich Debate' We prepared an argument and used the language of debate to dscuss the important question ... Is a jam sandwich a meal or a snack? The children's points of view were discussed and articulated with respect and really shone a light on Article 12 the right to a voice!

Curriculum Snapshot .... RE and History!

One of our RE topics this half tern was Easter and the important role it plays in the Christian faith. We enjoyed a visit to St. Cuthbert's church where we got to discuss and partipate in role play activities linked to the events of Easter week. 

In History we learned about the Fantastic Firsts and how events of the past have informed modern life today. First flight, first man on the moon, first phone - we have learned them all!