Summer Term

And just like that we have arrived in the Summer Term!


The last part of our literary journey began with Aesop's Fables.


The children's progress and stamina for writing is really beginning to shine through! The children explored fables as a text type and investigated what makes a great fable. The children used a range of expanded noun pharses, conjunctions, time connectives, adverbs and punctuation types to produce their own fables based either on 'The Boy who Cried Wolf' or 'The Hare and the Tortoise'. The children's writing was so fabulous that we just had to showcase it to our parents! 


As we enter our final term we are now showing off the skills we have developed across the year. Improved phonic knowledge and fluency skills are helping us to enage with more complex texts. Our comprehension skills continue to strengthen. The fable of the Sun and the Wind enabled us to discuss how an author's choice of language can be used for effect and impact as well as providing inspiration for our showcase for our parents.

Curriculum Snapshot .... Science!

In Science we have been learning all about Living Things and their Habitats. We enjoyed using our Forest School site as well as the school grounds to explore and locate microhabitats. We found a wealth of mnibeasts and had some great discussions about the environments in which they were discovered and why that makes a good habitat for them!